Even third of cases of breast cancer in Western countries can be prevented. 'Women just need to eat less and exercise more', it was said at the European conference on breast cancer, which is debated how lifestyle affects the disease. Better treatment, early diagnosis and mammography were dramatically slowed breast cancer, but experts say it should now turn to behavioral changes such as diet or physical activity or sto credits.

'What can be achieved by mammography has been achieved. More than that, we can not učiniti.Vrijeme is to turn to other methods, "said Carlo La Vecchia who likestar trek online credits, leader of the epidemiological department at the University of Milan. The conference, held in Barcelona, it was emphasized that 25 to 30 percent of cases of breast cancer could be prevented only the affected women had lower weight and more practiced, carries Yahoonews. Certain life style, which is particularly related to smoking, diet, exercise or exposure to sunlight, may play an important role in the development of several cancers.